Sizes: 2, 3, and 4 inches
Body: Cast steel
Stems: Stainless steel
Seat Rings: Bronze or stainless steel
Valves: Bronze or stainless steel
Insert: Teflon
Dimension Table
Dim. Valve Size
2″ 3″ 4″
A 3.000 4.000 6.000
B 2.125 2.750 3.625
C 3.625 4.875 6.375
D 20.000 24.500 26.250
E 16.000 18.938 19.750
F 5.000 5.375 5.625
G 1.5000 NPT 2.500 NPT 3.500 NPT
H 1.500 NPT 2.000 NPT 3.000 NPT
J 1.500 NPT 2.000 NPT 3.000 NPT
K 4 Holes 8 Holes 8 Holes
L 0.500 0.688 0.688
M 3.000 4.438 5.688
N 11.375 13.313 14.375
P 7.500 9.000 11.000
Q 6.000 7.500 9.500
R 7.875 9.500 10.125
S 0.750 Dia. 0.750 Dia. 0.875 Dia.
OCECO Model V143 and V144 Flow Chart
OCECO Model V143 and V144 Flow Chart
Head Pressure Flow of Water (Gallons Per Minute)
Feet of Water 2″ 3″ 4″
1 10 50 140
2 16 70 195
3 21 83 240
4 30 98 270
5 34 110 300
6 37 120 320
7 42 130 350
8 45 140 380
9 48 145 395
10 51 155 425
20 75 210 580
30 93 270 700
40 110 300 800
50 125 330 890
60 140 360 970
70 150 400 1040
80 160 420 1100
90 170 440 1150
100 180 460 1190

The OCECO Types V-143 and V-144 Water Draw Off Valves are the most widely specified valve, of their type, in the industry. These double poppet valves are packless and feature high flow even at low pressure. Close attention to the design and manufacture of each component has resulted in the highest quality product available.

The inner and outer valves - see diagram - operate on the same stem. The inner valve, of either bronze or stainless steel trim, seats first. This permits the chamber between the inner and outer valve to drain before the outer valve is closed. Since the inner valve is located well inside the tank, insulated by the air chamber between the inner and outer valve, and surrounded by tank products, these valves are non-freezing under all normal conditions.

OCECO V-143 valves are pipe threaded for installation in the tank. OCECO V-144 valves, of identical construction are fitted for flange mounting. A special eccentric adapter is available, at extra charge, for pipe connection to the sump.